AMS Forum: Black fungus? on dead spruce (1/1)

Adam, I’m honestly not sure what I’m looking at. Am I right in that it is a close-up of a log on concrete with a blackish powder that is the fungus in question? If so I can’t make out enough detail to have an idea what the black stuff is. Perhaps photograph it against some […]

AMS Forum: Mushroom ID Help! (1/1)

Nice array of fungi, but if you want help identifying them post on at a time. The big single one is probably leucaopaxillus giganteus. but also would need something to properly reference the size, like a tape measure.

AMS Forum: Is this Fuligo septica? (1/1)

Apologies for not sending more information. Only had what it looked like on inside (brown powdery mass; possible spores??) as underside obscured by rotting wood. No discernable odor, even after sitting on my dining room table in wax paper for a couple days.

AMS Forum: ID Request (1/1)

This can be both easy or hard. It is a waxy cap, probably a witches cap… Real species name? Is the cap and stem slimy, or just the cap. Does it bruise black? What is the flesh colour. These are all questions that can’t be answered by photo alone, which s often the case with […]

AMS Forum: Red top gilled mushroom. (1/1)

Borealis is associated with conifers. Also you have one critical element missing, what does it taste like? Is it hot ( peppery) or mild. Chew a small bit especially around the end of your tongue and then spit it out.

AMS Forum: ID Help — from Tyson and Lyndsey (1/1)

All distinct Russula characteristics. I’d start my search there I know Martin uses taste on Russulas if it’s hot and peppery definitely not an edible variety. The colors are water soluable making ID extra tricky on these.

AMS Forum: Leccinum Insigne ?? (1/1)

Insigne? Maybe, probably…. The orange Leccinums are a tough group to split up, what it is growing with is one key. In reality nobody is real sure what to to call them until some more DNA work is done. So an «orange red top growing with aspen» is as good a name as Leccinum insigne. […]