- They are quite distinctive in being much more white and delicate than oyster mushrooms. I have never seen one in Alberta in 30 years of foraging mostly, I guess becasue they typically grow on fallen Hemlock trees which are not a native species in Alberta. As for the poisoning, it was in a year when they had huge fruiting in Japan. The poisonings were caused by over comsumption as often is the case with poisoning with known edibles. Also it seemed to only affect the elderly and those people with previously diagnosed kidney ailments. Similar poisonng occured with «man on horseback» — Tricholoma flavovirens in France and Poland. Huge fruitings = over consumption. There was a good reason the Catholics listed gluttony and one of the «deadly sins».Read More…
17 hours 7 minutes ago
Hello,I’m just wondering if the group could comment on their experience (identification/edibility etc) of Angel Wings (pleurocybella porrigens).
I have read the reports of the deaths/poisonings in Japan in 2004 and am curious what the members think of this? …most field guides prior to 2004 (and some even after) list this species as a good edible. I guess my main inquiry would be — how easy is it to identify in the field compared to oyster mushrooms? There are a variety of sources/books I’ve come across that differ in terms of: 1. what trees (living or dead) they will fruit on 2. colour (ranging from white to cream as does oyster according to a few sources) Is Angel wings a common species in Alberta? …has anyone come across it? ..I have not, but I’m wondering if it’s easy to tell apart from an oyster. …the main difference seems (from field guides) to be the thickness of the flesh — Angel wings being thin, while Oysters are thicker with more substance — is this easy to determine? Any insights, comments etc would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much! Derek
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18 hours 8 minutes ago
No, I have had no reports from any one else who has been looking at the burns. Let us know if you find more than you can handle.
Read More…19 hours 3 minutes ago
Check «Forum»- General Disc.» — My Favourute Morel Recipe for report. Seeing you this Sat.?Read More…
22 hours 41 minutes ago
Gillian, the best way to insure that you get up to date information is to be on the membership email list. However you are welcome to join any of the outings as a guest. We try to update our web site with current information but a location or specific meeting spot may change. You should if possible attend our meeting next week (June 27) at the Don Wheaton YMCA in down Edmonton this will be the last of our indoor meetings until the fall. Stay tuned. Bill RichardsRead More…
Morels found! I spent some of my Father’s Day hunting around Bragg Creek and finally found my first morels! The kids had fun with it too. There weren’t too many so I don’t want to give specific locations, but generally it seems any lower lying, damp aspen woods should be productive. Our haul: imgur.com/…2 days ago
- Can do a foray for Oysters this week-end at Water Valley. Who would like Sat. and who would like Sun.?2 days ago
- To expand the definition a little further “Kananaskis country” is an Improvement District (kananaskisid.ca/) which makes it a rural municipality similar to a County or Municipal District. Parks sits on the managing council of the ID as well as being responsible for the lands designated under the Provincial Park Act within the ID. As for picking mushrooms on lands designated as parklands (Provincial Parks, Provincial Recreation Areas, Wildland Provincial Parks) the Provincial Parks Act effectively states that nothing should be collected within Parkland. It also gives the minister the authority to provide permission to collect.However our legislators were wise enough to allow us to collect some editables without having to apply to the minister for a permit. Permission is still requires and according to the regulation brochure it need only be verbal but this approval has to come the mouth of the delegated authority in this case that is the Conservation Officer. See attached links to the brochure www.albertaparks.ca/media/445808/regulations-brochure-web.pdf and the General Park Regulations (45(2)(a) www.qp.alberta.ca/1266.cfm?page=1985_102…9768394&display=html .
This leaves a lot of questions how long is the oral approval for? Is it transferable? How many people can it apply to …?
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2 days ago
- Hello all — Utter newbie here (and apologies if this question has been answered many times already). Could anyone tell me how the «Foray in your Neighbourhood» works? I’m in Edmonton and would like to connect with a few experienced people and head out somewhere in the area. Any help would be wonderful…thanks! GillianRead More…
3 days ago
- Congratulation to your find. Thank you for organizing the foray. Too bad I couldn’t join your folks because I hurt my knee when I was hiking in the mountain on Friday. Are you planing another foray for the Oysters?Read More…
3 days ago
Four adults and one helper were out. Lots of oyster mushrooms just coming out and about 1″ maximum size. Found about 60 Morels, mostly Morchella Conica (season ending for them) and a few Morchella Deliciosa in prime condition. Did make for a nice Father’s Day breakfast this morning!
Read More…3 days ago
Was out today to scout out the possibility of boletes. Lots of rain west of Calgary but I think it is still a little early for them. Should be soon.
Read More…3 days ago