presidents_award-1499596Each year Society members are chosen by the President to receive the “President’s Award”. 

The President’s Award was originally proposed by then President Peter Arabchuk when he presented awards to Bill Richards and Martin Osis for contributions to the Mycological Society. Since then both Martin and Bill have been awarded with Honorary Life memberships.

In 2008 the Board redefined the President’s Award and proposed two criteria:

  1. that the award should go to a non-Board member for extraordinary contributions and effort on behalf of the Society, and
  2. that it was purely the President’s prerogative to make the choice.

2013 Winner — Hans and Inge Weissenborn

The 2012 President’s Award went to Hans and Inge Weissenborn. We were all very pleased, and not a bit surprised, to see Hans and Inge Weissenborn receive this award. This couple has tirelessly participated in many years of forays, meetings, EXPOS, and pretty well every event the AMS has held over the years, acting as enthusiastic ambassadors for the AMS. Rosemarie presented the Weissenborns with a framed photo that came from our 2012 Photo Contest. Congratulations Hans and Inge! 

2012 Winner — Chad and Thea Moss

The 2012 President’s Award went to Chad and Thea Moss. Chad had volunteered to be our Culinary Chair and performed stellar duties serving in that role with Thea by his side. At every foray Chad attended, the stove and pans came out and members had an opportunity to taste some of the mushrooms that were found. Special Kudos for organizing and preparing the gourmet meal at our annual Solstice celebration at Moose Hill Hall. At Bow Valley Parks Day, Chad & Thea prepared tasting samples of the provincial mushroom where it was generally decided that the “Red Top» was the tastiest of all the provincial emblems. This was followed by an incredible selection of mushroom treats serve in our “Wild Mushroom Café” at the annual Expo at the Garden. And finally Chad with assistants presented a first class presentation on getting the most of the mushroom flavours at the “Great Alberta Mushroom Foray” in Hinton.

2011 Winner — Geri Kolacz

In 2011, Geri Kolacz served as our Newsletter Editor and layout artist since 2004. In spite of being too busy to attend most club functions she continued to work at producing our newsletter. Thanks to Geri for making our newsletter one of the best in North America. Geri received a framed print of the inky caps, photographed by Thea Moss

2010 Winner — Alan Fleming

In 2010, again, after serving many years on the Board as Membership Coordinator, Alan Fleming continued to work on behalf of the Society as Webmaster, but moreso the President’s Award went to him for all the expertise he lent to the Alberta Mushroom Database project. Alan worked on writing much of the code as well as inputting and troubleshooting the system.

2009 Winner — Pieter van der Schoot

In 2009, the Award went to Pieter van der Schoot. Pieter had taken a year off from Board duties but continued to lead groups on walks, host forays on his property, supply the majority of the moss and mushrooms for the Expo and promoted the Society through all his woodlot and forestry contacts. As many of us know, anyone who goes on a foray with Pieter had better be in good shape!

2008 Winner — George and Anne Litvin

In 2008 President Martin Osis awarded George and Anne Litvin a framed print of the Photo Contest winner. George and Anne have been long time members who participated and volunteered their time attending most events and making a contribution at each one of them. From the Annual Exposition through the “Great Alberta Mushroom Foray” George and Anne are always there lending a helping hand.

2007 Winner — Judy Lasinski and Michael Burnett

In 2007 Dr. Markus Thormann awarded an engraved glass statue to Judy Lasinski and Michael Burnett for their contributions. Judy and Michael had worked diligently for several years organizing the first mushroom meals and tastings at the “City of Champignons” Mushroom Exposition at the Devonian Botanic Garden, turning it into one of our first fund raising events. Not only did they contribute time and effort but many, many mushrooms at no cost to the Society. Michael’s “mushroom wontons” are still fondly remembered.