Hello I am interested in these mushrroms and looking for advice on edible species and variation within species in Alberta. My Grandma always said that these (not lactarius) were poisonous. I have noted that the mushrroms of western Canada book lists only about 12 species where as in other books (for north America for example) I have seen almost a dozen red russulas alone, not to mention all the other colored ones, and that the red russula emetica is poisonous My primary interest is the yellow ones which I believe are Russula Decolorans. am I coorect that these can be yellow in the wet weather and dry to be almost red? My text book knowledge is that there are no dangerously poisonous russula mushrroms, except in Japan, where there is a deadly poisonous dark brown one. i have picked and dried some maroon and olive grey species, which i believe are edible.

can anybody comment with much experience on these?