August 31 — September 3, 2018
Hinton Forestry Centre, Alberta.

Finally! Another Great Mushroom Foray.

Foray registration extended till Sunday midnight. Any registration after closing will require registrants to arrange their own accomodations and meals.

The tentative schedule is out! An amazing weekend of Mushrooming with a world class faculty. Author of the Fungal Pharmacy and one of the leading experts on Medicinal Mushrooms, Robert Rogers, will present medicinal mushrooms.  Dr. Nhu Nguyen, one of the rising stars in the field of Mycology comes to us from the University of Hawaii, his resume is filled with collaborations with the worlds leading Mycologists.  He will share, amongst other things, his knowledge and passion for Suillus. Returning to the foray will be the always entertaining and immensely knowledgeable Paul Kroeger, who has had the honour of having mushrooms named after him. Other notable contributers will be: Mike Schulz, our resident microscopy expert and ecologist from Portage College; Rick Watts, leading a workshop on how to take useful mushroom photographs; Martin Osis, teaching the ever popular Beginners Mushroom Identification course.

Registration options include:

  1. Full accommodation and meals based on shared accommodation — Two single beds per dorm room. — $265.00 per person
  2. Full accommodation and meals based on single person per room. — $340.00 
  3. No accomodations (Campers, local participants, local hotel accommodation personally arranged) : Full foray participation, Courses, lectures and full meals — $195.00 per person
  4. Forays, lecture, and introductory mushroom course (no meals or accommodations) — $140.00 per person.

Tentative Schedule:

Note: Campers can access Hinton Campground about 1KM away, Space with no services will be arranged in parking lot as well.

Deadline: For those wanting on site accomodations, registration is required by July 29.


Registration deadline for accommodations: July 29

Cancellations before July 31 subject to a $50 admin fee.

Cancellations after July 31, no refunds.