AMS Forum: March 25 — Bunchberry Meadows (1/1)
It was a beautiful day for a foray. We had around fifteen people in attendance. Lisa wins the prize for most finds. This is a list of what was found. Bjerkandera adusta Fomes fomentarius Fomitopsis betulina Inonotus obliquus Lenzites betulina Lycogala epidendrum Phaeocalicium polyporaeum Phellinus tremulae Phyllotopsis nidulans Plicaturopsis crispa Polyporus alveolaris Polyporus varius Trametes […]
AMS Forum: Red deer region Innisfail July 19 (1/1)
The Red Deer Region was out tonight at the Innisfail natural area. We got lucky and caught a break in the thunder storms but the trees and grass were dripping. There were eight of us in attendance (and eight sets of wet soggy shoes to ride home in..). As suspected the recent hot dry weather […]
AMS Forum: Having trouble (1/1)
You don’t have a great shot of the gill or if they were a chanterelle, ridges. These look like gills, so it’s likely not a chanterelle. Never seen a bulbous base on a where chanterelle. I would guess at Leucopaxillus especially if the gills peel easily, otherwise a clitocybe.
AMS Forum: Chicken of the Woods… in Alberta? (1/1)
Aspen are hardwoods… But there are many different species of lyophyllum growing on different hosts and in different habitats and some maybe mycorrhyzal. And they are a difficult genus, many people can’t wrap their heads around them. We know we have the famous lyophyllum shimeji growing with pine in areas of southern Alberta. Often they […]
AMS Forum: Lyophyllum (1/1)
I find lyophyllum a difficult genus. As one mycologist said to me after identifying one, I asked him what they tasted like, he said «I would never eat a mushroom that looks like a clitocybe». When deciding to eat any mushroom or not you are one your own….
AMS Forum: Red Deer June 21st (1/1)
Red Deer regional report June 21st 7 people were in attendance. We watched the rolling storm clouds cautiously as we headed out from the pine lake store on foot. Many oysters were found more than anyone could hope for! The aspen trees were handing them over in huge chunks! From there we drove a few […]
AMS Forum: May 27 2018 — Ministik (1/1)
Posting for Rob … On Sunday, May 27, 2018, 33 people and 2 or 3 dogs showed up at the Ministik School on Highway 14 for a spring mushroom foray. The weather was warm and there had been little rain in the recent week or two. From the school, we car-pooled to the Ministik Bird […]
AMS Forum: Umbrella Polypore? (1/1)
Beauty! Polyporus umbolatus. Not sure exactly what they grow with but always in mixed wood. Delicious edible even though its quite uncommon. We get it in the Edmonton rvier valley in very wet years. I think it is saprophitic as I have seen it grow on ginger root people have thrown on the ground. I […]
AMS Forum: ID & Edible?? (1/1)
Can you see any sign signs or the remnants of a ring or veil hanging midpoint +/- on the stem? Anyways, definitely not an edible and likely not poisonous either. Likely an agrocybe or paneolous. If the stem is super brittle / shredding and you dig and find it growing from a piece of wood […]
AMS at Devon
This year we’re being honoured by the Devon Public library. We have our very own mushroom exhibit Now — August 28 2018. As you may know, for several years we’ve had annual Photo Contests, which have produced many beautiful photos. We use these photos for posters, educational presentations, and to add to our Alberta Database of […]