AMS Forum: Mushroom ID Request — READ BEFORE POSTING (1/1)

If you are submitting a Mushroom ID please follow these guidelines: Submit one mushroom ID request at a time. We don’t want to have any confusion about which mushroom we are discussing. Please include a spore colour. This is one of the most critical identification features of a gilled mushroom. Cut the stem off the […]

AMS Forum: Little white field mushroom. (1/1)

I left it where it was but I did scratch the stem and the cap both scratches stayed white. Would cutting the stem react different from scratching it? In the 4th picture I took you can see the scratch I made lengthwise down the stem its facing straight up.

AMS Forum: Yellow mushroom with yellow gill (1/1)

This one is a tricholoma flavovirens, the man on horseback. There are two other mushrooms that look almost identical. Tricholoma suflurereum which stinks real bad and Tricholoma sulrurescens which just smells bad.

AMS Forum: ID Request (1/1)

It’s a big confusing group, (c. subconnexa) with some other choices as well. So probably square two…. Unless you have something new for the boreal forest. I’ll check the swiss books if there is something else and send you the microscopic details.

AMS Forum: 1st: hello everyone!! 2nd: what mushroom is this? (1/1)

I have mushrooms growing on my lawn with all this rain, but they are definitely not the typical Calgary lawn mushrooms. Can anyone help?!? I cant seem to load a file picture here but my phone number is 403-671-4534, I can text a photo to anyone who would be so ind as to help me. […]

AMS Forum: I'd mushroom by frog lake ab (1/1)

These are russulas, to Id to species we need spore colour, taste ( does it have a bit like a pepper) and if it bruises or not. When you rub the stalk with the blunt end of a knife does it change colour, if so what colour. Russulas are tricky, this one maybe Russula chamaeoleontina. […]

AMS Forum: Medicine Hat posted for Angela (1/1)

This is very cool. It is a leucoagaricus naucina as mentioned before, it mean the white agaricus. But those of you familiar with the shaggy parasol, formerly known as macrolepiota rhacodes, see how similar they are in character including the stature, gills, spore colour and the reddish brown bruising on the stalk. I think that […]

AMS Forum: Mushroom ID (1/1)

Shaggy parasol, chlorophyllum rhacodes. Parasol is chlorophyllum procera…. Mushrooms are complex because there are so many of them. When you are starting out try and use the scientific terms because it shows you the relationships and eventually will pay big dividends making sense of the whole mess. If you get the book Mushrooms of western […]

AMS Forum: ID Please (1/1)

Found these under a stand of aspen, where I often pick red caps. Spore print white, I can grab some more if ID uncertain. There were others nearby which were just springing from volva or still looking like a little egg. I have also kept part of the cap to see how it deteriorates over […]

AMS Forum: Bears head? (1/1)

Thank you. Sorry for my inaccurate name. I have recently gotten quite interested in mushrooms I find them fascinating. It seems everywhere I look there are more. I will try to learn the names as I go but please have patience with my inaccuracies as I try to learn the proper names. Thank you for […]