AMS Forum: Russula Mushrooms (1/1)
Hello I am interested in these mushrroms and looking for advice on edible species and variation within species in Alberta. My Grandma always said that these (not lactarius) were poisonous. I have noted that the mushrroms of western Canada book lists only about 12 species where as in other books (for north America for example) […]
AMS Forum: Hypholoma capnoides (1/1)
Found these young Hypholoma capnoides growing in a pure pine forest. They do not have the strong yellow gill color nor the strong bitter taste as in H. fasiculare. There were many cespitose clusters close by but these three were so pretty,I had to take their photo.
AMS Forum: Pholiota subflavida (1/1)
Found these beautiful Pholiota’s growing in spruce woodchips along a maintained trail near Martin Mountain ( Slave Lake) First time I have encountered this species. Apparently they are apart of the P. spumosa goup of similar mushrooms, the main difference is the size of spores with P.subflaviida being considerable smaller. Measurement of 10 random spores […]
AMS Forum: Great Thai Style Mushroom Soup (1/1)
I tried this tonight and the recipe is a keeper! I used Hericiums, Honey Mushrooms and Portobellos, but I’m sure it would taste equally good with any variety of mushrooms. Tom Kha Hed (Thai Mushroom Soup) Mushrooms Russula xerampelina (Shrimp Russula) Hericium coralloides, H. americanum, H. ramosum (Goat’s Beard) Hypomyces lactifluorum (Lobster Mushroom) • 8 […]
AMS Forum: Where to locally buy innoculated sawdust or dowels (1/1)
The best and cheapest for sawdust is going to Canadian Tire and buy Hard Wood pellets, make sure their natural ones. Mix 2 to one (HWP 1,Water 2.2) They will puff up fast, then you can inoculate them. easy if their going outside. If your doing it inside then it has to be sterilized.
AMS Forum: New Member (1/1)
I’m with Ryan. Learning is best done in the field. I found some identification books and started to identify all that I could. Eventually I managed to go on a couple of forays and went to the mushroom expo at the devon botanical gardens. It’s been an interesting adventure.
AMS Forum: Pluteus Cervinus are out now. (1/1)
Just want to share that Pluteus Cervinus(deer mushroom) seems to be out in abundance right now. I found over a pound in two locations. All total about 1 hour of walking. One location in Edmonton and one east of Edmonton. All are very fresh and relatively bug free.
AMS Forum: Getting into mycology (1/1)
Hey all! I’m very glad to have found this community and am very excited for the future now that I can get input from experienced mycologists. I am interested in studying this but have no idea where to start. I have a solid background in biology, but want to focus my studies on mycology…..any advise […]
AMS Forum: speading spores (1/1)
I did the slurry method with some agaricus campestris. Once you have the first slurry done, you can spread some of it and add more water and sugar and salt to keep going. I got a week of watering with spore layden water on my mint garden and on a spot on the lawn. I’m […]
AMS Forum: Growing Mushrooms (1/2)
Kevin O wrote: My wonderful wife surprised me with a mushroom growing kit. She found it at the Superstore at 50st and 137ave Edmonton. $10.00 and apparently organic. Howdy Folks, I made a thread some time ago about growing mushrooms. I have 15 years experience with what I would describe as mushrooms gardening. I have […]