If you are submitting a Mushroom ID please follow these guidelines:
- Submit one mushroom ID request at a time. We don’t want to have any confusion about which mushroom we are discussing.
- Please include a spore colour. This is one of the most critical identification features of a gilled mushroom. Cut the stem off the cap and place it on a piece of paper and cover it with a bowl or lid of some kind. In three to four hours you will have a spore print.
- Always include a photo of the underside of the mushroom.
- Include a cut through the cap and down the stalk if possible. How the gills attach to the stem or stalk is a critical identification feature.
- Make sure you have included the base of the mushroom.
- Please note any unique smells and / or bruising or colour changes in the flesh.
- Where was the mushroom growing? i.e on a piece of wood, on the ground, in your lawn, what trees were nearby, etc
Thank you!