Oyster Foray
The only other wild animal was a baby deer — huddled in its depression in the ground. We almost stepped on the poor thing as it was so well camouflaged. As each of us quietly crept up to look at it, the baby trembled but didn’t move or attempt to flee. I certainly felt like […]
The Edmonton Mycological society Polypore photos of Feb 16, 2002 by Loretta Puckrin Fomes fomentarius Inonotus obliquus Lenzites betulina Trametes versicolor Oxyporus populinus Daedalea quercina Phellinus tremulae Stereum hirsutum Phellinus laevigatus Twenty-one members of the EMS went on another of those winter polypore hunts. It was a beautiful sunny day and the best part was […]
The Edmonton Mycological society Agaricus silvicola Amanita Muscaria Chroogomphus vinicolor Coprinus plicatilis Ganoderma applanatum Helvella lacunosa Hydnum repandum Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus Hygrophorus speciosus Inonotus tormentous Lactarius deliciosus Lactarius torminosus Lepiota cortinarius Lycoperdon perlatum Pholiota squarrosa Pluteus cervinus Rozites caperata Russula chamaeoleontina Schizophyllum commune Suillus luteus Trichaptum biformis Agaricus haemorrhoidarius Armillaria mellea Coprinus atramentarius Crepidotus mollis Gomphus […]
This was a trip that gave us a good look at a year old forest fire burn site about 200 km north of Edmonton, which because of a late spring and cooler weather, there were no elusive morels this time. A pair of Sandhill Cranes Birch trees after the fire RETURN
The Edmonton Mycological society Name:________________________________________ Address:______________________________________ City:_____________Prov______Postal Code__________ E-Mail__________________________________________ Phone Number:________________________________ Individual________________$25 per year Family__________________$35 per year Student__________________$15 per year Make cheque payable to «Edmonton Mycological Society» Remit to this address, EMS C/O 47 Rehwinkel Road, Edmonton, Ab T6R 1Y4 Members will receive 4 newsletters during the year with interesting articles, foray information and maps. […]